Shahriya means Queen of the Sun, Tursun means stillness and forever. Looking back at my journey, I became the living testimony of this name. 

I arrived at California August 2022, I attended Orange Coast College for Studio Arts major. Since then, I have been creating. My main focus is performances and sculptures. The themes of my work range from identity to femininity. Currently I am trying out different media. I can’t wait to see where art will lead me to.

Art is a huge part of my life, not to be dramatic, but it has saved my life over and over again. I continue to create my own definition as I found myself being thrown into the world. Nothing and no one can define me with some labels, because there is so much in me that I am still discovering every single day. I will always be an art work in progress. I am proud to say that my own freedom is me, nothing more, nothing less, because I am constantly creating myself through actions.

Truth does not exist in loveless people at all.

May we can all be honest to ourselves, do not betray our hearts, and be closer to our souls.

Fill our hearts with love instead of resentment.

Let’s connect!