my body not mine
my body not mine was created based on my experience with domestic abuse. When I created this piece, I was still living with my abuser, but I was so confused, I didn't know how to leave.
The body that was being abused, objectified, sexualized detached from my soul. I molded body parts such as feet, hands, neck. The burning dry flowers are from my abuser. 3 golden frame Polaroids that are intimate and kaal. The attempt to expose my fear was the voice that helped me claim authority of my body back.
For the installation part, baking tray is the vessel, resembling chores, complete and broken body parts represent the transgression which is going in my identity as a woman, burning flowers and nude photographs is the war between my abuser and me. Candles around is my approach to reconnect with high-power, and find my voice back.