• Figures will gradually appear and disappear with the motion of the audience. When you feel alone, please push through, and you will know that you are loved by people around you, you are love by the Universe.

Dedicated to my dear grandpa, I am glad that I made it to you when you were entering the other world. You stopped your life on this earth at the age of 98, but till this moment, I can still feel your love and protection.

To my cutest mom, thank you for loving and raising me unconditionally. Every time you breathe, please breathe in all the love and memories we had for 20 years together. I love you with all my heart.

To my dearest dad, you are a great man. I witnessed you strong like a mountain, and gentle like a river, fragile like glasses. I am blessed that you are a father who respects his daughter. I love you and I miss you.

To all my friends, I will always remember each of you, and I wish you all the best.

Even we are thousands miles apart

The love we have for each other

Will never go away



